
Read what parents and students are saying about how Appamada School’s process-based approach to education has transformed their learning lives.

This is wonderful

“Thanks Dave, this is wonderful. This is our first time seeing an Appamada evaluation and it really demonstrates all the reasons that we chose the school in the first place. So refreshing to see the story of challenges and growth rather than just As, Bs, etc.”

– Appamada School Parent

You have completely turned my world upside down…

“Dear Ariel: You have no idea just how much this school means to me. You have completely turned my world upside down when it comes to my learning experience. I had gone from faking sickness to stay home from school to wanting to go to school when I'm sick. Appamada feels like a home away from home and I feel like I am as much a part of a family at school as I am with my own family. I don't think anyone else but you could make a community so wonderful. Going to Appamada has completely and entirely changed who I am and has helped assist me to become the person I am today. For that I thank you greatly and I don't think there will ever be another school that I remember so fondly.”

– Appamada School Student

His transformation…has been remarkable.

“I just wanted to pass along my sincere appreciation for the place you have created for our son and others there. When we pulled him out of middle school all those years ago, we were at our wits end. His self-esteem and confidence in himself were nonexistent and we worried about him constantly. 

His transformation from attending Appamada has been remarkable. While he still will have struggles in life, they are so much lessened now than what he would have faced without your school. I’m generally built on logic and control of my emotions but am tearing up writing this, I cannot express to you enough how special your vision has been to create this loving place for people that are in dire need of an alternative to our cookie cutter education system.    

Thank you for doing what you’ve done and giving him a place to thrive.”

— Appamada School Parent

Such an extraordinary culture.

“After a conversation I had with a friend of mine about the issues local high schools are having with drugs and racially insensitive behavior, I asked my daughter about Appamada. She bluntly told me that neither of these are issues at her school. I asked her why and I thought her answer was extraordinary.  

She explained that because the students at Appamada trust the two of you, issues like that don’t exist. When I asked her to explain she told me that if anything is going on at Appamada, students just go to one of the two of you and they know that it will get handled in a way that keeps them safe. And because all of the students trust the two of you, they want to show up in a way that respects that trust. So she doesn’t think anyone would ever do anything that would challenge that trust. 

I am continually impressed and so grateful that we found Appamada. It has been life-changing for our family. When my daughter gives me feedback like this I realize that what she is learning at school is so much more than what most kids have the opportunity to learn.  

Thank you for being the leaders that you are in for creating such an extraordinary culture.”

— Appamada School Parent

What the right approach…can do.

“Wow, thank you for this feedback! This actually brought tears to my husband's and my eyes. For the last few years in public school our son has struggled and been frustrated with Math. He's expressed many times that he's just not good at it. Perhaps this is a testament to what the right approach and environment can do for a child. We have noticed that he's been more engaged in school generally than he has been in quite some time. I'm so excited to see him build more confidence in himself and his abilities at Appamada! Thank you to all of you for what you do.”

— Appamada School Parent

A wonderful, safe place for kids.

“Thanks for all you do to make Appamada a wonderful, safe place for kids, tweens, and teens to learn and try new things they couldn't do elsewhere at a public school.”

— Appamada School Parent

My favorite school I have ever attended.

“This has been one of the best semesters that I have ever experienced, and I hope that there are more like this to come. One of my greatest takeaways from this semester has been to love yourself, others, and most importantly, enjoy the good things in life. My times at Appamada so far have been some of the best in my life, the friendships, the people, the entire package that Appamada offers. I am excited to say that this is my favorite school I have ever attended, and am wonderfully ecstatic to continue this beautiful journey for semesters to come.”

— Appamada School Student

You inspire her every day.

“As we look upon the holiday and give thanks for what we are grateful for: We do notice your commitment to Appamada and are grateful to have you as our daughter’s teacher. You inspire her every day at school with your humor and love of math. We have never seen her struggle so hard at a subject, yet keep her spirits high, because she feels safe being vulnerable in your math class.” 

— Appamada School Parent